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Sep 11th - Practice Arena

All demons rejoice! The underworld's training ground has been open to all. Practice Arena is a new arena with 2 players (or 1 player with bot.) vs 2 demon bots. So now you can play arena against the A.I. even when nobody is around! For now, only 8 demons are available. The rest, as well as new novice sets and training weapons are coming next week.

ps. Beware that the patch this week is very big (900 mb) as we organised all game files for cleaner workflow. We also apologised that we couldn't get more Satanic armour in this week. Hopefully we can get more done next week. Hope you have fun with the new arena. ;)

Patch Note v662

- Add new Practice Arena to War Altar in War Chamber.

- Add 9 new win-count conquest for Practice Arena.

- Add two new uncommon schemas for novice weapons and novice armours as Practice Arena conquest reward. (To be open to crafting next week.)

- Add new rare schemas for training weapons as Practice Arena conquest reward. (To be open to crafting next week.)

- Add new trinket as Practice Arena conquest reward. (Add 25% EXP and Gold from mission.)

- Add lomo camera to all arenas' item shop.

- Update all satanic armor stats to differ for each demon.

- Lower Amy's Seal Of Faith to TAL(40-60) and fixed incorrect heal output.

- Increase Mhaou's Dragon Scale cool down back to 45s.

- Reorganize all game content folders.

- Server will automatically update player's incorrect Tsukuyomi anima code when log in this week.


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