แพชท์แก้บั๊กมาแล้วครับ แก้ไปเยอะแต่ก็ยังเหลืออีกเยอะเช่นกัน ^^; นอกจากแก้บั๊กแล้ว แพชท์นี้ยังเพิ่มสัตว์เลี้ยงตัวใหม่อีกสองตัว เปิดฉากสะพาน Fenli เสาร์อาทิตย์ แล้วก็อัพเดทของรางวัลจากฉาก PVP ในเมืองให้ด้วยจ้า
พรุ่งนี้ lock down แล้ว ขอให้ทุกคนปลอคภัยจากโตวิตนะครับ
Full Patch Note: https://store.steampowered.com/.../view/2994314390320040317
Patch Note v7.26
- Raid Boss Vac. Nurse is rename to Nurse Annie and open all her skill moves.
- Add new raid boss material: Annie's Cap.
- Add new pet drom from Nurse Annie. (Add light damage and light protection.)
- Add new pet drop from Nemesis. (Add dark damage and dark protection.)
- Add new Random Box as Fenli Bridge reward: Lotus Bloom.
- Add new trinket as the rarest drop from Lotus Bloom: Blue Lotus. (Add 20 magical damage and 15 MP regen)
- Add new trinket as the rarest drop from Horder Hunt's Box: Vampire Fang. (Add 30 physicaldamage and 20 HP regen.)
- Add new trinket as the rarest drop from Sakura Bonsho: Bonsho Bell. (Block 20 physical damage and 30 magical damage.)
- Add new anima drop from Sakura Box: Sakura Bonsho I-IV
- Open Fenli Bridge on Weekends.
- Add new guild role : Trainee
- Add new Guild Icon in Name Tag (Demon Slum)
- Add new Rank Icon in Name Tag (Demon Slum)
- Added ‘Remove Bot’ function in War Chamber
- Updated Rank Icon in Throne Room to correspond to actual Rank
- Fixed Rank Icon bug in war chamber
- Add Fay's water vortex's damage radius
- Fixed Object collision in Purgatory Gate
- Fixed Guild Name Display in Demon Slum
- Fixed a lot of Dialogue bugs in Dungeons
- Fixed Item Quantity Display to Max 999
- Fixed Iaron Satanic Greave Cape bug in Demon Slum
- Fixed 1st Paint Bucket bug that did not display
- Fixed Pet Effect bug that does not have effect according to their corresponding level
- Fixed friend kick system.
- Fixed Ishtar summon bug.
- Fixed Story Mode bug where players can enter higher difficulty not according to their actual Rank
- Rearrange tutorials pages.